Monday, 19 March 2012

Lesson For The Day

This is going to be real short because I have absolutely no idea what to write. Something I realised today while thinking and reading. Maybe I'm not qualified to say this but whenever I read about someone losing control and they always run away, I find myslf thinking, what exactly are you going to accomplish by running away? If you're addicted to something, you don't run away because you feel you'll be a danger to others. You don't push everyone away when they're trying to help you. You have to recognize that you need the people around you to give you strength to fight whatever it is that's controlling you. You need to understand that you're not alone. I've read about so many cases of depression and suicide in which the victim felt no one was there for them. They couldn't see that if only they talked to someone or reach out to someone who loved them, they probably wouldn't have undergone depression or commuted suicide. Often we try to be strong and reject help from others until we've reached our breaking point and just snap. It doesn't have to be that way. Yes, you have to realise that you have a problem in the first place and not deny he fact that you might need help. Needing help doesn't mean that you're weak, it means that you're strong enough to realise that somethings you can't do on your own. So if one day you feel that there's no one who cares, try to reach out and ask for their help so that they know you need them. They're not psychic, they'll only know you news hem only if you tell them. Try it and maybe you won't feel like the world has abandoned you then.

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