Saturday 21 November 2009

VA vs Twilight

Yeah..Actually, I don't hate Twilight, but.... Well, here I dissect why I dislike Twilight..

Yes, I know, I've never read or watched Twilight, so to be fair, I can't really criticize it...

But from what I heard from friends, it's the usual boy meets girl, girl meets boy, they both fall in love, BOOM, happy ending..

Whereas Vampire Academy, well, there isn't any happy ending, at least, for now..
But seriously, Rose and Dimitri are both dhampirs, its illegal and they can't conceive any children.

That was when Dimitri was a dhampir. Now, he's a strigoi, the immortal and evil vampires. And Rose has to kill him because, let's face it, there isn't a way to cure Strigoi. Weel, there maybe one, but the cure has to be retrieved from Robert Doru, half brother of Victor Dashkov. The same vVictor who kidnapped and tortured Lissa Dragomir, Rose's best friend. So, yeah..
How can you have a heppy ending when you have to kill the guy you love? Your soul mate?

So no offense to Twilight and its fans, but to me , Twilight and the story is sort of light-weight and not really as dark as VA could get sometimes...


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