Monday 31 August 2009

Random CSI

Maybe it's just another of my 'passing favourites' now but I just love CSI:NY. No, not CSI:Miami, sorry..Cause I just don't like the main character.
I just love Danny Messer, Don Flack and Jessica Angell. Especially Jessica. Unfortunately, she died..It's so sad..She's such and important part of the team and BOOM! They just kill her off like that..
Poor Don, seeing his girlfriend die like that..Anyway, here's a toast to Jessica Angell, even if she is a fictional character. That little video in the side iPod was a beautiful and sad video as a tribute to her..
Ah well..

Happy Birthday

Happy 52nd birthday my beautiful Malaysia!

Friday 28 August 2009


Soon it will be a time of celebration, at least, a time of celebration for those who love Malaysia truly, and not those who say they are Malaysian but keep complaining about this wonderful country.
I was born in Malaysia. I live in Malaysia and I love Malaysia. Unlike many others, I do not wish to go overseas and live there or study there even though I know I have the ability to do so. My friends always say it's a waste that I can afford to go overseas to study or even live there when I don't even want to do so. I know there are many people who are dissatisfied with Malaysia.

They say Malaysia is still a developing country and ought to be ashamed as Singapore who was once a part of Malaysia, is now a developed country. They think Singapore is better and that Malaysia is not up to par with Singapore.

I have nothing against Singapore or any other countries. I'm not an extremist, just someone who loves her country as much as her family. Since I was a kid my parents taught me to appreciate what I have, to appreciate my country and everything she has given to me.
Imagine if you lived in other war-ridden countries like Iraq or Palestine. Imagine if you lived in countries full of chaos everyday like Thailand. Imagine if you lived in poverty-stricken countries like Africa where children die everyday just because they're hungry.

We have everything we need here in Malaysia. Abundant food, water, shelter, great weather, no war. And yet, that's not enough for many people. No, we have to be strong and rich like America or Japan or Singapore, they say. Maybe Malaysia isn't that rich compared to those countries now, maybe we aren't that technologically advanced like America right now. To me, it doesn't matter. We will be better and stronger than them one day, I truly believe that. We don't have to be the country with the newest technology or the best military in the world to be great. We don't have to have fancy police squads with great forensics equipment or the latest espionage equipment. We have our own police and army which consist of brave men and women prepared to die for their country. Isn't that enough?

You might think my opinion childish, but I'll always hold true to my belief that Malaysia is the best country. She is my home. She gave me everything that I have now. She gave me a place to belong. I am proud to call myself Malaysian. I am proud to say that I come from Malaysia when I am abroad. I am proud and honoured to call her my home. She is my home, forever and always.

Happy 52nd Merdeka Malaysia. May you flourish as years go by.

Letter to Azuma Yunoki

To Azuma:

Greetings Azuma.. Are you still as cynical as ever? You know, I think Kahoko is still afraid of you. But, that's what you want her to feel right? Nice one..
Hmm..let's see, you'll be going to America to get your MBA right? Do you plan on coming back after that? I'm sure the Yunoki Guard and Hihara would miss you very much if you don't come back...
I'm still trying to figure out how do you control your emotions in front of your grandma. By the way, she is one creepy lady, glad she isn't my grandma. But hey, you gave the term 'poker face' a new definition. I'm sure you're great at playing poker.. That is, if you play poker..

Anyway, nothing much to say, so I'll just say good luck to you in getting your MBA and also providing me more entertainment by tormenting Kahoko.

Yours sincerely,

Wednesday 26 August 2009


I got my new phone! Finally!
It's a Nokia Xpress Music with 8 gb of memory!
I know, I know that I'm probably bragging but.. what can I do?
I can finally store music without having to worry about the space anymore!

Eww..why am I so..hyperactive? Or is it happy?

Sunday 23 August 2009

Pro Musica 2009 should I describe this event?
For those of you who don't know, it was a sort of opera concert. I suppose it was okay..Some of the songs were nice like Auf Flugeln des Gesanges by Mendelssohn. There was one song I thought boring, but of course, it was just my opinion. After all, I am no professional.
The Faust duet "Il se fait tard", Marguerite, Faust creeped me out. Actually, grossed me out would be more appropriate. There was another one before this duet by the same two opera singers but I couldn't remember the title that also grossed me out.
No, it was not violent. Violent I could handle but it was romantic..Eww!
The two of them were like touching each others faces, holding hands, hugging, the woman laid her head on the guy's chest. Heck, they even kissed!
At one part, they were like okay, holding each other, and suddenly, BOOM! The guy tries to kiss her and they're struggling with each other. Heavens! I nearly had a heart-attack and got a little hysterical after the concert was finished.

Well, that's all for now. Still, I can't quite get the image of those two people practically making out on the stage. Say, wonder whether they're dating???

Saturday 22 August 2009

Letter To Hino Kahoko

To Kahoko:

Sorry to say this but, are you dense? Do you even know 6 guys like you? Oh? You don't know who they are? Let me give you a recap: Ryoutarou, Len, Kazuki, Aoi Kaji, Azuma and possibly Keiichi.

There? Know them? Sure you do. They're you FRIENDS, duh! So choose already all right? People are going crazy wanting to know who you'll choose so get on with it! Sheesh...

Anyway, word of advice: Choose Ryoutarou or I will wreak havoc upon your life! Hahaha...(not..)

Yours sincerely,

Sunday 16 August 2009

Letter To Shimizu Keiichi

To Shimizu:

Hi..How's your cello playing these days? Still playing Bach compositions? Or have you been sleeping everywhere anytime as usual? So adorable..Haha...
This will be a short letter cause there's really not much to say.. Oh yeah.. When are you going to ask Shoko-chan out? Come on, it's obvious you like her...Ask her out..I'm sure she'll say yes..^^

Anyway, just want to say your great at playing the cello, you're a prodigy and you are soooo adorable..Hehe..Bye bye, and let me know when you and Shoko-chan are dating..Haha..

Love, Shadow

Thursday 6 August 2009


Just as the title says..Drat...
We have a new Maths teacher and well, I don't know half of what she just said today..
I mean, it's not like I don't like her, it's just that, I don't understand what she's trying to teach us...
I, and my maths, are so effing doomed..

Wednesday 5 August 2009


Victory to 4S5!
Woohoo! We won the competition for gaining most profit!
Thanks all of you who did so much hard work to prepare the maze and also to act as ghosts, even though I was too afraid to go in...haha...
Anyway, we are so going to PARTY!!!!!!
Go 4S5, oh yeah...

Monday 3 August 2009

A Letter To Ryoutarou

Well, I've written a letter to Len, and now its Ryoutarou's turn..


Honestly, I don't really know what I should say. But first, let me say that your piano playing is absolutely marvelous, possibly even preceding that of Hamai Misa's. You truly are talented.

Next, you're a great guy: kind, warm, friendly, talented...Not like someone you and I both know..So while his letter is full of reprimands, I am happy to say that your letter will be full of praises.

You're perfect for Kahoko. From the first time you saved her from falling, to the time you accompanied her even though you did not want anyone to know of your talent, to the time you played Liszt's Dreams of Love..Ah, truly romantic...

I end this letter by sincerely wishing you good luck in your pursuit of Kahoko. A word of advice: Do NOT let Aoi Kaji or Len Tsukimori near her, and I am perfectly sure she will be yours. Good luck...

Yours sincerely,

Sunday 2 August 2009

A letter to Len Tsukimori

Finally, something not so glum..
This is a letter to Len Tsukimori of La Corda D'Oro Primo Passo..

The first thing I want to say is, I know you are talented, that you are a prodigy. But honestly, it sure as hell does not give you the right to be that rude. No wonder Ryoutarou called you an ice cube...
Second thing, do you like Kahoko? I mean, for a guy who likes Kahoko, you sure are treating her rather badly. I mean, you are rude to her, you say she's bad at playing the violin, that her standard and yours are waaay apart. But when you see Ryoutarou or Kazuki being all friendly to her, you get jealous. Seriously, do you like her or not?
Third, I really hope you don't like her. At least, not in the romantic sense. But even if you like her, I hope she doesn't like you as someone more than a friend. No offense but does she even know you like her? Or for the matter, does she even know that you, Ryou, Kazuki and Azuma like her? Never mind..

Well, that's all I want to say. I hope Kahoko gets together with Ryou, and that you have another girlfriend who's not Kahoko..


Sincerely yours,

P.S:This was not meant to insult anybody, just to make fun of ice cube here..hahaha...