Friday 4 September 2009

Adam Ross I Will Kill You

Yeah, as the title says, Adam Ross I WILL kill you if I find out that you're sleeping with Stella Bonasera..

All right, I know this is a little sudden and random, but let me just clear it up for you. I'm watching CSI:NY right now, it's a great show, and Season 6 will be airing. So today I was looking for pictures and I stumbled upon a website, can't remember what website it was. I think it was one of the entertainment websites. You know how they sometimes post videos about previews or interviews about the TV series?

That's when doomsday struck.

All right, all right, I'm exaggerating, but I so do not want Adam and Stella to end up together! So there was this promotional video about Season 6, mind you, it is official, not fan-made. And to my absolute, terrifying, catastrophic horror, I saw Stella half undressed and Adam on the bed.

Chtoh za huey?! Sorry, that's Russian for 'WTF'..

Oh good heavens! What has the world come to? What's next? Pigs sprouting wings and me becoming a billionaire like Bruce Wayne? I so cannot effing believe that the writers would do something like that!

I'm sorry I'm ranting but I'm upset, and when I'm upset, I'm nervous, and when I'm nervous, I get irritated, and when I'm irritated..Well, you get the idea..

O Zeu kai alloi theoi! (Ancient Greek curse) I really hope that it was maybe two different scenes together... Senka, tebe pizd'et...Oh my dear heavens...

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