Saturday 11 February 2012

Another Day

Another day..You know, sometimes you wished your life was similar to those of the TV world. I know, I do wish it too sometimes. But then, I think, 'Too much drama, no thanks'. I'm a very lazy and laid back person who hates drama. All I would say would probably be 'Please get it over with'. Probably the reason why I can not stand Korean Dramas.

I used to laugh at the notion of keeping a diary or journal or whatever. Why pour out your feelings to an inanimate object? Then I realised that in a way, that book, or diary or even this blog, becomes a part of you, once you've put so much of yourself into it. It's also quite interesting to see your thoughts grow from year to year. Sometimes, when you read an entry from a month, a year or even few years ago, you find out something special again, no matter how big or small it is. It could be a person's birthday, a sad day, a happy one, an angry one or whatever. But that feeling when you remember that incident and it brings a smile to your face for whatever reasons, is just so nostalgic that you feel you've found an old friend again. It's also nice to just write and write and write with no one stopping you or telling you this isn't appropriate or what not. Your diary, or blog, or journal, is YOUR world. You make the rules. You decide what's in it or not. You decide what you're going to immortalise for the rest of your life, or what you're going to forget. You choose what events define you, make you who you are.

So, in a way, I'm quite glad I've started writing again. It makes me feel, more free, a little by little, than I have ever been. Enough for today, ciao.

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