Saturday 18 February 2012

Dream A Little Dream..

You know, I've always wanted to be a writer. There was something magical how just by using the right words, you could create an entire world and people. You can create an entire scenario, no matter how illogical or realistic it is, you can make it real, because it's your world.

But, I suppose I'll never realise that dream. Sure I love to write, it's something that keeps me sane, sometimes. But, I think, many people would just laugh and scoff at the idea that being a writer wouldn't lead you anywhere at all. If you (You know who you are), can't accept the fact that I'm studying Psychology, then you definitely can't accept my ambition of becoming a writer.

Sometimes, when things are strange or different or unique, people, grown ups, whatever, they can't see the beauty these things sometimes carry within them. They will call it strange and crazy, and call you crazy for admiring or reading or watching these things. Maybe you just don't want to see the beauty inside.

Everytime when someone asks me what I study, you'll just answer 'Nah, just Psychology, I don't even know what sort of crazy subject it is. I shouldn't have let you simply choose these sort of subjects.'

FYI, I had more crazy ambitions. At one point, I wanted to be a forensic scientist, a cop, a CEO and a fashion designer. I knew you'd disapprove of all of them, so I chose the safest one. I think, that you have a bad impression towards Psychology, and people around you keep telling you that it's a 'bad' subject. I don't think that they, or you, can judge that. I understand you're concerned. But you're supposed to support me, not throw my ambition to the ground and step on it, repeatedly.

So I'll show you, and the rest of the people, that I CAN do great things with this degree, that I CAN succeed without going cuckoo like all of you are expecting me. Then maybe I won't be such an embarrassment after all.

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