Saturday 3 March 2012

For The Love of Words

I remember now that I loved writing, still do. I've never been that popular person that everyone is drawn to immediately. Fine by me. But there was a time when I especially felt like an outcast, and writing sort of helped me through that period. Suddenly I could be anything I wanted to be in my writings, I could create anything and anyone I wanted. I was free.

I am by no means a good writer. I'm no J.K Rowling or C.S Lewis or J.R.R Tolkien or Poe or Shakespeare. I'll never be famous through writing, that's for sure. But words are what keeps the child and fire within me alive when everything else fails. I love art and music, but there are times when I can't play music very well and I can't express myself through drawing. But through words, I can tell you everything I feel, everything I want to feel and want to be.

I want to write life, not about life but life itself. I want to weave life between the words that I write. I want people to feel life in whatever I write. I want people to know what life is like, what it looks like, sounds like or even feels like. I want someone who's never seen the mountains clouded over by mist to see the beauty and mystery of that morning veil covering the craggy face of the strong mountains. I want someone who's never run with the wind whistling past their ears to hear the song that the wind sings as it caresses your hair and face gently. I want someone who's never seen the majesty of the ocean to feel and to see the deep, infinite end of the ocean, to smell the salt, that tangy smell that is so uniquely the ocean. I want someone to feel the joy of being reunited with family, at realising you're not alone in this world, at finding out that the person you needed the most was always right there beside you. I want someone who's never had the chance and may never have the chance to fall in love, to feel what it's like to have someone love you and treat you as if you're the most precious thing in the world. I want them to feel as I feel.

Writing may never be a career for me, but it will always be the one thing that remains a constant thing in my life. So as long as I feel, I will never stop writing.

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