Monday 12 March 2012

Spring Cleaning

Wait, is it even spring? Anyway, my mom and I came down to KL today to stop by our old house to just spruce it up a little and wait for the gardener to show up and trim the garden. Even before we reached, things didn't go the way we wanted it to.

First, it started raining. Heavily, as in raining cats and dogs. There was no way the gardener could have worked in that weather. Secondly, when we reached, we opened the doors to an absolutely filthy, dusty and cobwebbed filled house. So people, the next time you watch a movie about a house long abandoned and it is shown as old and creaky and dusty and dirty, believe it. It was going to be hell to clean it. And thirdly, the gardener was late. Not 5 minutes late or 20 minutes late. He was an hour and half late. Granted, he couldn't do anything in that weather but still..

So we started to clean up. I was facing my worst nightmare. A house filled with spiders and spider-webs and dead things everywhere. I picked up the mop, started on the kitchen floor and immediately abandoned it to my mother. Then I started to wipe the tables. That was fine until I kept staring at endless cobwebs everywhere. I ended up using the cloth as a whip, whipping at the table and at all the cobwebs I could find. I never want to do that again.

Then something stupid happened. I was wearing those bedroom slippers that hotels and airlines always give you because I did not want to step on anything dead. My mother forgot to tell me that the floor was wet and the moment I stepped on the wet patch, I started flailing about and whirling my hands about before falling flat on my side. My mother later told me she thought I looked like I was going round a roundabout..=.= Gee, thanks mom. But it was a good laugh.

At the end of the day; not really, we were done by 6pm, the gardener had arrived and was done at 7pm, the house was looking decent again, and I was dog tired. And here I am, waiting for my mother to sleep so I can go sleep.

It's been a long day. Ciao.

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