Monday 2 April 2012

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Have you ever went star gazing? I haven't. I wonder what it's like to just sit under the stars and stare at them all night long. Wondering what each star meant, wondering which constellation was which.

These days I rarely see stars, even though I live in a place where pollution is scarce. I've read a science fact that the smoke from all the pollution covers up the stars. It's like the stars are afraid of the toxic and don't dare to come out.

It's sad to think that when we were children, stars were our constant companions. During the nights that we're bored or during the Moon Cake Festival, I remember I'd always poke my head upwards to the sky and hold it there till  my neck was sore. Now, even seeing a few stars is difficult. I somehow feel we've lost something precious.

I wonder if the next generation would be able to see stars, to see them as twinkling jewels high above the sky, as little lights accompanying the moon. They'd probably only learn about stars in science books, as great fiery balls of planets in the space, and not the stars that we knew and loved.

Maybe when they read that little nursery rhyme, they'd wonder what are stars, and think that the stories are lying. They aren't lying, they're just how we saw them as children. As something beautiful and mystical and untouchable. That magic would be lost then, I think.

Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are.

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